HD+ Colonoscope Pentax EC-3890LZi

Insertion tube
Biopsy channel
Optical system
Additional Information
• Zoom function
• Water jet function

12 months warranty

Further accessories are of course available on request!

Pentax EC-3890LZi – Excellent image quality through HD+

. With the Pentax EC-3890LZi, you get top-notch image presentation during examinations through HD+ with. The HD+ resolution combined with optimal illumination provide excellent image sharpness, resulting in better visualization of the mucosa. The zoom function, which allows you to optically enlarge an image by 136 times, gives you a detailed surface structure of the mucosa during the examination. Combined with Pentax EPK-i series processors, the Pentax EC-3890LZi delivers first-class images during routine as well as challenging examinations.

Is your HD+ Colonoscope Pentax EC-3890LZi defective? Take advantage of our service offer for endoscope repair and our maintenance service for flexible medical endoscopes – fast, uncomplicated and cost-effective! Simply use our Pick-Up-Order!

Our services cover all common device classes such as gastroscopes, colonoscopes, bronchoscopes and cystoscopes from the manufacturers Olympus, Pentax and Fujinon.