Pentax EG-1690K Pentax EG-1690K Pentax EG-1690K Pentax EG-1690K

Transnasales Gastroscope Pentax EG-1690K

Insertion tube
Biopsy channel
Optical system
Additional Information
• Ultra-slim design

12 months warranty

Further accessories are of course available on request!

Pentax EG-1690K – Transnasal video gastroscope with excellent image quality


Thanks to its high-resolution image sensors and excellent illumination, the Pentax EG-1690K provides clear detailed views as well as excellent image sharpness during examinations.

Is your Transnasales Gastroscope Pentax EG-1690K defective? Take advantage of our service offer for endoscope repair and our maintenance service for flexible medical endoscopes – fast, uncomplicated and cost-effective! Simply use our Pick-Up-Order!

Our services cover all common device classes such as gastroscopes, colonoscopes, bronchoscopes and cystoscopes from the manufacturers Olympus, Pentax and Fujinon.