Fujinon EPX-4400 Processor / Light source

Scope of supply
The EPX-4400 videoprocessor is fully digitized so that no information is lost during signal conversion. The result is a high resolution and precise image quality to examine even the smallest changes in the tissue and in the mucous membrane. This represents a significant advance in diagnosing findings.

Lamp: Xenon 300 watts
Emergency lamp: halogen 75 watts

Digital outputs: DVI, DV, USB
Analog outputs: composite, RGB, S-video

Dimensions (W x H x D / Weight)
VP-4400 processor 350 x 75 x 420 mm / 8 kg
XL-4400 light source 350 x 130 x 420 mm / 16 kg

Is your Fujinon EPX-4400 Processor / Light source defective? Take advantage of our service offer for endoscope repair and our maintenance service for flexible medical endoscopes – fast, uncomplicated and cost-effective! Simply use our Pick-Up-Order!

Our services cover all common device classes such as gastroscopes, colonoscopes, bronchoscopes and cystoscopes from the manufacturers Olympus, Pentax and Fujinon.